Robert McGarvey has posted an intriguing article about Canadian banking technology from an entirely different angle: What if Canada’s once-brightest technology star got into the Banking business? An interesting read …


Could BlackBerry become a Canadian banking technology player from the inside out?

Terry Campbell, President of the Canadian Bankers Association spoke to the Oakville Chamber of Commerce last night (October 9, 2013). Mr. Campbell spoke about banks from the Customer’s perspective. He focused on competitionchoicesecurity and trust, and finally – innovation.  He led off with the statement, “I want to suggest to you that in many ways banks in Canada should actually be viewed as technology companies.”  Check out the full speech on the CBA Website.

Many of us have made a career of leveraging technology to improve the accessibility, security and growth of Canadian Banks, Trust Companies and Credit Unions. It’s encouraging to read how much this technology has helped Canada lead the way from a Customer experience perspective. Who said safe has to be boring?